


先週の日曜日、雨がそぼ降る厳しい寒さの中、お越し下さいました皆さま、本当に有難うございました!立春は過ぎましたが、東京の寒さはこれからが本番です。例年、雪が降るのも3月初め頃です。とはいえ、日差しがあればファーマーズでも暖かく過ごせます。(この土曜日は風が吹きそうなの寒く感じられるかもしれません!) いずれにしましてもこの時期、お越しになる際は油断せずに防寒をして遊びにいらしてください。当店は両日出店予定です。皆さまのお越しをお待ちしていま〜す!

Hello everyone!

Thank you to everyone who came to the market last Sunday, despite the cold and rain. The temperature is expected to be low again this weekend, but the sunshine will make the Aoyama Farmers Market feel warm (it might be a little cold on Saturday because of the wind). In any case, please dress warmly when you come to the market at this time of year. Our shop will be open on both days. We look forward to seeing you!!

8.9 Feb. 2025  10am - 4pm  @ United Nations University






Hello everyone!

January is coming to an end in the blink of an eye, but how are you all doing? We have been receiving a steady stream of new crafts, and we are making preparations for spring. We will be open both days this weekend, so please stop by if you have time. We look forward to seeing you.

1. 2 Feb. 2025  10am - 4pm @ United Nations University






Hello everyone !

How are you all doing? The days are still cold, but the vegetables and fruits at the Farmers are gradually changing from winter to spring. Of course, our store will also be open both days. Please come visit us and look for seasonal delicacies!

25. 26 Jan. 2025. 10am - 4pm
@ United Nations University






Hello everyone!

Hope you are doing well! We will be at the Aoyama Farmers Market again this weekend. The weather looks good, so please come and visit us! We're waiting for you!

18. 19 Jan. 10am - 4pm 
@United Nations University



Our crafts are one-of-a-kind!

皆さま、 いかがお過ごしでしょうか?


How are you doing?

All of the crafts we offer are carefully handmade over a long period of time. 
The artisans must be thinking about many things while working with their hands. We try to select items that we can feel the goodness of the creator's heart and put them on the store shelves. Therefore, the store should always be filled with clean air. We will be at the Aoyama Farmers Market again this weekend. We look forward to seeing you all 😊💕

11.12  Jan. 2025  10am - 4pm  @United Nations University



2025 、はじまり始まり〜!


The new year has begun. Let's make this year a healthy and happy one!!

Aoyama Farmers will also be open as usual from tomorrow. It's only been a week since last weekend, but for some reason I feel refreshed. We'll do our best this year too, so please look forward to it!!

4.5 Jan. 2025  10am - 4pm  @United Nations University




29日は "FOOD TO THE PEOPLE" で〜す!


いよいよ今週末は今年最後のファーマーズです!大掃除やお正月の準備にお忙しいとは思いますが、ぜひ遊びにいらしてください!29日、日曜日には毎年恒例の誰もが美味しい食事を楽しめる「FOOD TO THE PEOPLE 」も会場中央で開催されます。ファーマーズの出店者さんたちの食材提供や料理人の方達のご協力によりあたたかな食事が振る舞われるそうです。あ!餅つきもあります!今年一年を無事に過ごせた事に感謝して、また来年も良い年になるよう願いながらみんなで楽しいひとときを過ごしましょう!


Hello everyone 😊

This weekend will be the last Farmers Market of this year.
Thank you so much for your support this year😊💕
On Sunday, the annual “FOOD TO THE PEOPLE” event will be held in the center of the venue, where everyone can enjoy delicious food😊Let’s all have a great time together to express our gratitude for the past year! Oh! There will also be rice cake pounding🩷

The Aoyama Farmers Market will be held as usual. Of course, our shop will also be open on both days. We look forward to seeing you there 😊💕

28. 29 Dec. 2024 10am - 4pm
@ United Nations University
