



Hello everyone!

Hope you are all doing well. We will be at the Aoyama Farmers Market again this weekend. If you have time, please come visit us! We look forward to seeing you soon!

25.26 Feb. 2023  10am - 4pm  @ United Nations University






Hello everyone!

How are you all doing? Following last week, this weekend is expected to be warmer. We are here too, so if you have time, please come and visit us! Looking forward to!

18 19 Feb. 2023  10am - 4pm  @United Nations University






皆さま、お元気ですか?さすがに今日は寒いですね。今、外を見たら霙になってましたが、明日、あさってに影響が出ないことを願うばかりです。ちなみに週末のお天気はとても良く、暖かくなりそうです!寒くなったり、暖かくなったり。少しずつ春が近づいているようです。ようやく今年は気兼ねなくいろんなことが楽しめる春となるでしょう。ファーマーズでも春に向けて、イベントやワークショップがいろいろ計画されているようです!今から楽しみです。ちなみにこの土日は毎日食べたくなる美味しいパン屋さんが集まる、『GOOD BREAD MARKET 』が開催されています。まだまだ知らないこんなに美味しい食パンやカンパーニュってあるんだなぁ〜!と毎回驚きと感動を味わっています。ぜひ皆さまもお試しになってみてください。それでは、お待ちしていま〜す!

Hello everyone!

How are you all doing? It is indeed cold today. I just looked outside and it was sleet, but I just hope it won't affect tomorrow and the day after. Incidentally, the weather's looking very nice and warm for the weekend! It can be cold or warm. Spring is gradually approaching. This Saturday and Sunday, the GOOD BREAD MARKET will be held with delicious bakeries that you will want to eat every day. There are still so many delicious breads and campagnes out there that I don't know about! I am always amazed and moved. If you have time, please come and taste it. We're waiting for you!

11/12  FEB. 2023  10am - 4pm  @United Nations University





Hello everyone!

How are you all doing? Baskets from Burkina Faso and Madagascar in Africa will be restocked this weekend. If something somehow rings a bell, please pick it up. And if it feels right, it is a sign that it is right for you and will probably last for a long time. We will be at the Aoyama Farmers Market again this weekend, so please come and look for your favorite things. We look forward to seeing you soon!

4.5 Feb. 2023  10am - 4pm  @United Nations University
