
29日は "FOOD TO THE PEOPLE" で〜す!


いよいよ今週末は今年最後のファーマーズです!大掃除やお正月の準備にお忙しいとは思いますが、ぜひ遊びにいらしてください!29日、日曜日には毎年恒例の誰もが美味しい食事を楽しめる「FOOD TO THE PEOPLE 」も会場中央で開催されます。ファーマーズの出店者さんたちの食材提供や料理人の方達のご協力によりあたたかな食事が振る舞われるそうです。あ!餅つきもあります!今年一年を無事に過ごせた事に感謝して、また来年も良い年になるよう願いながらみんなで楽しいひとときを過ごしましょう!


Hello everyone 😊

This weekend will be the last Farmers Market of this year.
Thank you so much for your support this year😊💕
On Sunday, the annual “FOOD TO THE PEOPLE” event will be held in the center of the venue, where everyone can enjoy delicious food😊Let’s all have a great time together to express our gratitude for the past year! Oh! There will also be rice cake pounding🩷

The Aoyama Farmers Market will be held as usual. Of course, our shop will also be open on both days. We look forward to seeing you there 😊💕

28. 29 Dec. 2024 10am - 4pm
@ United Nations University
